Hello! I've been very busy with orders lately. Let's start with the latest which are butterflies and simple headbands.
These are some samples I crocheted with patterns I found on the internet.
I love the variegated colours of this one! The yarn is called 'Bebe Batik' by Alize Sekerim.
100 pieces of small roses.
I also tested out new flower patterns using different types of yarns.
Love these huge ones! I combined 2 patterns for these.
Again, testing with new yarns.
Flowers again ordered by a customer.
Must haves for a crocheter!
I still have some orders to make so I'll be super busy, busy, busy!
I'll leave you with this quote to ponder upon...
Everything is very pretty!
Thanks Pradeepa :)
Semuanya cantik, kak Aisyah. Sangat produktif, color pun ceria. :)
Yati, terima kasih :)
hai.. salam kenal,
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Thanks Roberta :)
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Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website ini www.kumpulbagi.com untuk info selengkapnya.
Oh ya, di sana anda bisa dengan bebas mendowload music, foto-foto, video dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis :)
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