Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crochet Flower Hairclips

Here are some hairclips, except for the one in lilac(it's a pin) that I made recently using these crochet flowers. I'm still trying to make more. As of now, I've only made 1 1/2 more. The half is because I haven't attach the clip, yet. You know me by now that I cannot not make other things than the clips at the same time. I'm also crocheting roses, leaves and at the same time reading and making fabric yo-yos and now I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to do next. Is there anybody out there that has the same problem as me?


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

For me I have this problem of not stopping doing something until finish. I can't be satisfied if I can't finish something. That's why if I start something most of the time I will concentrate on that until finish although it will take me hours :p

Nway the mix of yo-yos & button for the flowers are cute! :)

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

That's good for you! It means you're very disciplined :) And thanks!

Saskia said... [Reply to comment]

Great flowers! Been thinking myself how to make crochet pins like these! Love them!

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks, Crafty Witch!

Rafidah Ahmad said... [Reply to comment]

excellent jobs as always aisyah..

as for me, my mind is always want to more, but i have only 2 hands hehehhe...oh well, i have to be patient then...but yes! so many things at the same time..i kena belaajr dari msfyd ni hehehe

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

Ye lah kan,kak? We have to be more disciplined like Fyd. Semua kita nk buat last2 satu pun tk jadi :(

Rafidah Ahmad said... [Reply to comment]

tapi aisyah better than me....at least mcm2 dah new creations..mcm fyd gak hehehhe

Annemarie's Haakblog said... [Reply to comment]

Oooh these are so nice!!

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks Annemarie :)

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