I made more flowers these past few days.
Believe it or not, I used the same pattern for all four roses but they came out different altogether!
I love the multicolored yarns. I ordered 5 colors from Craft DHearty and have used just 2 since I got them yesterday afternoon. The funny thing is, we use the same post office on mainland Mersing(because the mini PO here send all our letters there to be postmarked)but the package goes for a little holiday first, around 3 days, then come over to this island(about 2 hours away). I have to find a way for future packages to reach me faster when I buy things from her.
Hairclips with yo-yo fabrics in the center.
Anyone interested in ordering crocheted flowers (like the ones above) from me, just e-mail me. I still have LOADS to make!
berapa saiz n harge crochet flowers ni each?
Send me an email,pls hazeleaf@yahoo.com saiznye sebesar +/- tapak tangan org dewasa
I luv all the roses!! =)
Wanna try to design different pattern of roses too but still have not time to try~~
Thanks,Fyd! Man,man lai...:)
cantiknya.... i like very2 much. i hope one day i can do all.
aisyah! adussss....so lovely!!! great colour babe!!!
i luv roses(1) the best....but hey...semua cantek aaaaaa
same as fyd...masa takde..uwaaaaaaaaaa
Thanks,kak :D
cantik..camner nak blaja buat crochet ni..minat betultapi xtau nak start dari mana..
I would love to make these flowers where do I get the patterns?
Hi coke! Could you please email me? Thanks!
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