Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Got An Award!

I got a lovely surprise this morning when I opened my blog. Julie of Knitting and sundries has awarded me with this Gorgeous Blogger Award. How lovely of her! Thank you so much, Julie!
Now, for the rules:
Accept and thank the person who gave it to you!
List 10 things about yourself
List 5 additional things you DON'T like
Then pick ten people to give this lovely award to!

10 Things About Me
1. I'm half Chinese and half Sino-Native of Sabah
2. I can barely speak Chinese
3. I love watching The Oprah Show
4. I love watching NCIS especially Mark Harmon!
5. I can't live without 3 cups of Nescafe everyday
6. I can't swim
7. I'm a  procrastinator 
8. I have to do several things at a time
9. I'm a daydreamer
10. I'm a shy and quiet person

5 Things I Don't Like
1. I don't like worms of any kind
2. I don't like doing the laundry
3. I don't like hypocrites
4. Although I live on an island and the only way to travel to the nearest mainland is by sea, I don't like travelling by ferries
5. I don't like not being able to shop for anything that I want when I want to

10 People To Give This Award To
1. Craftaholics Anonymous Linda has helped me in many ways and I love her blog!
2. Gingham Cherry A lovely lady and crafter. Love all her tutorials!
3. ohmygoodknits I love her blog, her Mary Jane crochet slippers and her lovely photos
4. MisFydKrafts Fyd has always been a loyal supporter
5. PinkShoeLover Kak Rafidah is a lovely supporter,too
6. SUS n d Felt Product A fellow crafter of felt
7. Miyyah@Kertas She's very crafty with papers especially quilling and handmade cards
8. Cute & Yummy E makes the cutest bear amigurumis and of course is also my supporter!
9. Lin Handmade Greeting Cards She makes really lovely cards
10. Annemarie's Knitting Blog A fellow crocheter who makes lovely items


Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hey girl,
You are so sweet to think of me!!! I'm so flattered I made your list! What a fab award! and it was fun getting to know you better. I hate worms too. yuck!
best wishes,
Craftaholics Anonymous

Faiza said... [Reply to comment]

congratulations! your Daily DIYs are terrific!

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks Linda and Faiza! I'm blessed with lovely blogger friends like both of you!

Rafidah Ahmad said... [Reply to comment]

pergh! thanks so much babe for the award...nanti i update my blog about it hehhehe...

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

You're welcome,kak :)

Lisa G. said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks so much for including me! I'm a non-swimming worm-hater, too. :)

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

You're very welcome,Lisa!

Annemarie's Haakblog said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Aisyah! I've been on a holiday for a few days and when I came home I found your lovely award! Thank you so so much! I really appreciate it, especially now that you make such beautiful things yourself too. A BIG thanks from Holland!


Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

You're welcome,Annemarie :)

Catherine Peart said... [Reply to comment]

Ooooh, I got an award!! Thanks Aisyah!!

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

@Catherine, you're welcome :)

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