Thursday, May 20, 2010

Daily DIY

I just love this rainbow coin purse and how easy(well,quite)it is to make one. I think I can hand stitch it rather than using a machine, which I don't have. A detailed step-by-step tutorial by SparklePetal. So, fellow crocheters, let's try making this!


Rafidah Ahmad said... [Reply to comment]

wahhh aisyah..this is cool! i pun rasa senang kot kalau handstich hehehe..sebab i pun takde mesin hehehhe

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

Jom kita cuba buat ni,kak! Tp not now lah..tgh buat bunga :)

Ezyane Zaki said... [Reply to comment]

goshh.. sangat canteks the color..i love yarn color rainbow.. and tgk mcm senang nak buat..

akan masuk dlm my list..hehe

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

Yeah! Jgn tk masuk, along with a thousand other projects on the list:p
Tp seriously, mmg comel. Zip pendek plk tk de....

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Alamak!! this is super cool!!! huhuhu

Masuk dlm list rujukan of ideas Fyd nih~~~

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

Fyd, main semangat lah plk nk buat ni,problem is I don't have the zip now...kena kirim dulu :p

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely LOVE this little purse. So cute!!!

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

It is, isn't it?!

Saskia said... [Reply to comment]

My daughter stood nex to me when I opened your blog and now she wants a purse like that!...:o)

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment]

Now you have an excuse to make one of this! It is very cute!

halizda said... [Reply to comment]

alamak macam nak buat le plak.. but i want change to other colour.

Aisyah Helga said... [Reply to comment] doesn't matter whatever color you choose, I think :) asalkn you puas hati..

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